
Under Review
Mathematics in Action
  • Mr Horsfall

    Maths subject lead

The National Curriculum for primary mathematics has three aims that are at the heart of how we deliver the content of the curriculum at Brunton First School.

  • Fluency
    In developing children's skills through enhancing their factual, conceptual and procedural knowledge, we allow them to deepen their mathematical understanding.
  • Mathematical reasoning
    The progression and development of written and mental calculations.  Efficiency in these strategies provide children with the skills that allow them to communicate and present their findings effectively using appropriate mathematical language.
  • Problem solving
    We provide opportunities for children to apply their mathematical skills in different contexts and across a range of subject areas. Children are able to work systematically to organise information, find patterns and ultimately solutions through independent and collaborative learning.

Children in Years 1 to 4 work through the programmes of study of Mathematics:-

  •          Number and Place Value
  •          Number – Addition and Subtraction
  •          Number – Multiplication and Division
  •          Number – Fractions
  •          Measurement
  •          Geometry – Properties of Shape and Position and Direction
  •          Statistics 


To ensure continuity and progression throughout the school, we follow our yearly overview for each year group. Our maths curriculum is recurrent and each of the strands are revisited throughout the year so children gain confidence and fluency.  

At Brunton First School we provide daily maths sessions that seeks to reinforce previous learning and allow children to take on new skills and apply these in a range of contexts. Children are grouped according to ability that allows teachers to target individual needs.

We deliver daily mental maths sessions as these skills are key to allowing children to access the more complex calculation and number objectives set out in the National Curriculum.

Teachers provide personalised targets for maths and the children work to achieve these over the course of a term. We share targets with parents at termly parent evenings and in the end of year report.

Each year we provide parents with information about the methods of calculation, which we use in class and how parents can support their child’s learning at home.