Place and Time

This year we are now single subjects of History and Geography. Watch out for our new curriculum pages coming soon. 
Place and Time in Action

Geography and history at Brunton are taught through ‘Place and Time’ lessons. These lessons incorporate the geography and history curriculum objectives. The children at Brunton acquire knowledge through skills-based lessons which equip them to explore and understand the world around them.

The topics taught across the year aim to capture the children’s interest and offer a context through which they can learn from and apply their skills to. As the children progress through the school, their geographical and historical knowledge and understanding continues to grow, giving them more opportunities to challenge and apply their own learning.


Geography explains the past, illuminates the present, and prepares us for the future. What could be more important than that?” Michael Palin, President of the Royal Geographical Society, 2009-2012

The geography curriculum aims to inspire children to develop a curiosity with the world and its people around them, both local and far.  Within their journey at Brunton, children will learn about a diverse range of places and explore the features and processes that make up and impact on the physical and human environment.


"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."- Benjamin Franklin

The history curriculum equips children with the skills required to investigate and develop an understanding of the past, using a range of sources.  We look at the chronology of past events and the consequences of moments in history through The Romans, Egyptians, Great Fire of London and many more. 

  • Mrs Old

    Place & Time subject lead

  • Mrs Wood

    Place & Time subject lead